Sunday, October 27, 2013

You Can Definitely Quit Smoking With This Great Advice

You'll have many benefits from deciding to stop smoking. Think about the benefits to quitting to help you stop smoking. In addition, keep collecting and applying the useful tips below about quitting. Keep the advice you learn here handy, so you are able to Vapor Diamond eCig use them as needed when you need that extra helping hand in your path to becoming a non-smoker.
Make your quitting attempt as easy on yourself as you can. Avoid going cold turkey. Statistically, people who try cold turkey fail 95% of the time. Because nicotine is very addictive, you should utilize some type of therapy, medication, or a patch. These will help you through those initial withdrawal stages, which should make quitting smoking easier.
If you are overwhelmed by the urge to smoke try using the delay tactic. By reminding yourself that you will revisit your feelings in ten minutes, and keeping yourself occupied while those minutes pass, you may find that your craving has vanished within that period of time. Otherwise, allow yourself another ten minute delay.
Avoiding the triggers that cause you to crave a cigarette is key in quitting totally. For instance, if your triggers include smoking while driving, the end of a meal or driving, try to find alternatives to the cigarette to replace them. Look for a distraction in these situations.
If you would like to quit smoking, speak with your doctor. A physician has access to resources that you do not. Also, if your doctor feels that your situation calls for it, he or she may think it is best for you to take a prescription medication for quitting.
Find healthy stress relief methods to help deal with your nicotine cravings and withdrawal. Try finding Vapor Diamond review new interests, such as exercise, an interesting hobby, or even a massage. Try to schedule these activities during times you usually have severe cravings for a cigarette. If you know you will have some free time, fill it with fun distractions like a new book or game or coffee with a friend.
Allow your family and friends to know that you are giving up smoking. They will push you to continue with your quitting journey. Studies have shown that employing a familial support system is one of best ways to stop smoking. It will significantly better the chances that you are successful at quitting smoking.
Create a plan to reward yourself each time you reach a milestone in your quitting efforts. Create a list of the rewards you will give yourself when you've made it past certain dates. Take the time to put the list in a very visible spot and view it daily. This will help give you strength during moments of weakness.
By now, you are well aware of the myriad benefits of quitting smoking. Even those benefits might not be enough for keeping you motivated, but these tips above may help. Apply all of them that are appropriate to your situation to keep your motivation up and beat those intense cravings. You will be able to run faster and breathe more easily before you realize it.

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